Our Physicians

These are the physicians working at the practice.

Dr. med. Ester Voigt


» Curriculum Vitae

Julia Isselstein

General Practitioner and Consultant Infectious Diseases

» Curriculum Vitae

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Christoph Wyen

Internist and Consultant Infecious Diseases

» Curriculum Vitae

Dr. med. Stefan Reiner


» Curriculum Vitae

Dr. med. Tim Kümmerle

General Practitioner and Consultant Infectious Diseases

» Curriculum Vitae

Bastian Kalb

Allgemeinmediziner / Arzt in Weiterbildung Infektiologie

» Curriculum Vitae

Dr. med. Philip Posdzich

Arzt in Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin

» Curriculum Vitae

Dr. med. Anne Enders

Ärztin in Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin

» Curriculum Vitae

Marimba Wiechert

Ärztin in Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin

» Curriculum Vitae

Our Team

A well-running medical practice largely depends on a well-practiced team. Thanks to years and years of experience, our staff masters all tasks involved with treating you in a professional and friendly manner and keeping you healthy. Our physician team is happy to work together with those persons:

Uve Lammers

practice management / administration / human resources / data security official

Ronny Heintjes

  1. medical assistant opening hours / expert for private billing / GOÄ

Elfi Mutz

  1. medical assistant emergency hours / payroll manager EBM / IGel services

Yvette Clemente

medical assistant / reception / lab

Kerstin Lammersmann

study nurse / supervision & coordination of medical studies

Tanja Perrei

medical assistant / reception / lab

Michaela Pfeil

medical assistant / reception / patient management

Tobias Bergmann


Elke Geisen

medical assistant / reception

Alexandra Rittel

medical assistant / reception / lab

Claudia Cimigotto

medical assistant / reception / lab

Nina Mertens

Empfang / Patientenverwaltung

Sabine Lynen

MFA / Empfang / Labor

Sonja Maschmann

MFA / Empfang / Labor

Stefanie Kubosch

Studienbüro / Patientenverwaltung

Talin Kürkcü

MFA / Labor / Empfang

Loreen Wolff

Auszubildende MFA

Melanie Freno

MFA / Labor / Empfang / DMP

Yesim Güller

medical assistant / lab